Friday, January 28, 2011

sInger of the time

iT was in 1990 that the man recorded his first song for a movie that never was officially released. They still said he was merely a 'Rafi clone'.
nEver moved by this, he kept trying; and today, we know him as the biggest singer of present Bollywood.
Sonu Nigam is the man of feel in the country. The guy started with 'Achcha Sila Diya' and the song that he has last recorded is from the movie Angel (which, by the way, has torturing trailers).
tHe guy's voice can capture you within the walls of emotions that the song is supposed to build. He knows where and how much to stress a word, so that the expression remains as the word travels away.
Desh Ki Mitti is one of the best he has done with Rahman. For last 13 years, Sonu has constantly been a part of Rahman's pool of vocalists. The only clear reason is that the master of music has every idea as to who can carry his music the best. 'Satrangi', 'Saathiya', 'In Lamho Ke', 'Do Nishaniyan', and many more can be considered his best of works during all these years.
He claims to have changed his Rafi-imitating style to his original one, since he sang 'Ye Dil' from Pardes.
hIs album under the name "Classically Mild" is typically a feel-good album. The sound of every song soothes your senses with generosity. The way he has built the album is strangely awesome. And most importantly, the soul of song never vanishes while the intricacies exist, contradictory to the fact that most of the trained singers are the other way.
hIs is the voice that can be easily recognized from even the worst sources of music (Yeah, I'm talking about the Chinese cellphones).
tHe only problem that Indian listeners have to face in coming times might be that Sonu has cut down on singing new songs these days. Stage shows and concerts are his major targets these days. And the fact that he is trying hard to grow international is very close to creating danger for the admirers of music. There are very few soulful singers remaining; there count is damn very less than that of tigers in the nation!

sIgning off
<listening to the chord of seven notes>
nIshant Sharma

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  1. too less to say about him .. you will have to write another 20 blogs to cover the main stuff about him . and even a blog per album of his would be less .. and then his accomplishments , skills and style cant be covered in finite number of blogs . 'pranaam' to the music maestro ...

  2. exactly....this is how I begin, sir!
    how else would i have stuff to write? sonu nigam is all i know about and all that i think has feel :)
