Saturday, October 16, 2010

jUst a soul, it requires...

"cAn a deaf, seriously, be a drummer?" this is the question I asked myself, as I went through an article on Shawn Dale Barnett, and was about to go through his biography.

tHe man, as stated by himself, has the ''natural rhythm''. He just goes by the feeling the drum vibrations in a way or another.

hE was born deaf, and his arms had a lot of tumors, that weakened them. Still, that could not prevent his playing with two drumsticks and a drum-kit. He, presently, runs school for teaching the deaf as to how can one understand and reproduce the vibrations and rhythms of music. In all, he is the biggest example for those who can't hear but sense.

nOw what goes on in my brain---

hEre stands the biggest question in my mind- "Do I actually need a pair of ears to 'receive' music?"

aNd my soul says, "No!" Now, you might be thinking as to how is it justified.

tHe justification is as follows---
There are two possibilities- 1. You are born with music; 2. You are not.
  1. You are born musician-- In such a case, those who say you can't grasp music, are shit-speakers. If you go by what they say, you are wasting yourself. Because, music has nothing to do with the two all-cartilage organs on the two sides of your face. Close your eyes and there's it. You are into a music piece.
    Touch a vibrating drum skin, and you get what emotion it produces. Just sit and let somebody hit a drum bass; you get the 'bass'ic sense. Just follow it, and you are a musician. You don't have the power of listening to extremely small vibration waves. So what? You have got the inner ''thing'' that is all of a requirement for having an ''ear'' for it.
  2. You are not a musician-- There is no possibility that you can listen to a piece. You can still close your eyes and get ''into'' that piece; but that you can't reproduce it, is inevitable. You can still cry, while virtually listening to a sad tone (only if you know that it exists). You have the same emotions as a deaf musician has, but you can't express it. You can still touch a drum skin and feel it; just that you can't tell, by beating a skin, whether you are happy or you are not.
bUt one thing is for sure- ''You have no ability of not-being-able to taste music. You are born with internal sensors. Use them well. Lie on your bed some day, and close your eyes, try minimizing the intensity of light in your room. You are not listening to the sweet flute; but it still rings. You were happy today; and happiness it shows. If you were down today; depression it carries. And feel the external organs on both the places. Have they not slept long before? :)"

tHis was also the case with Beethoven (the God of classical music).

sOmeone once said to him, "Your deafness has a lot supported the fact that you have been original. History says that biggest of the genius can't keep themselves from copying while listening to pre-existing good pieces of music. But, you can't possibly listen to them."

nOw, in response to this, Beethoven said something that is not known, and of which, most of the historians are not sure.

aNd that it is not known, helps my point get stronger. I sincerely hope he agreed to the point raised by the man  (who used to be his nephew). And I win then. :D

hAve nice days :)
nIshant Sharma 

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