Wednesday, September 29, 2010

cOmplexity on on one!!

 nOw the thought on my mind is a result of a set of recent happenings (and some of the past time sequences too).

A little back in time...

I was sitting in my bedroom, with the television showing pictures in front of my eyes (this had to be mentioned; I am badly missing my home). It was vacation time.
The Sony Entertainment Television was telecasting its extremely famous talent hunt (all of you might be knowing about Indian Idol, I guess). The show, this time, had a lot of good participants. Considering all of its last seasons, this time's was nearest to the best. It was a full entertainment, watching that show and commenting upon various singers, their selections and their performances. (Now, comment-making is something that a family can never avoid, while they are enjoying their free times). My family, being a bunch of enthusiastic music fans, had a great interest in the show; and thus, had a whole lot to say.
The show, today, was fun!
Consequently, it was followed by us in every coming time.

Back to the real-today...

After experiencing the number of vocal rounds on that talent hunt, and after the recent happenings (as I stated earlier), there was some music-related thing that hit my mind hard.
What was the implication of Sriram winning the challenge?
The clear conclusion drawn can be the people's respect and more love for execution difficult and challenging things. When Sriram could sing the sargam of the very beautiful song (I sincerely hope that I discuss this song sometime in future) called 'O Rey Piya' (Aaja Nachle), it got him hell a lot of appreciation from the judges and this drew every normal listener's attention to the fact that Mr. Hyderabad was capable of doing very difficult things (though I personally believe that I know people who can do the same thing in a better way).
But, it is easy having the audience 'for' you. Sriram was for a long time (courtesy the unidirectional decision-maker judges) that the audience was 'for' him.

nOw my views on the result...

I am all okay with most of you liking the typically strange things performed good; but I somehow feel that there's a lot more that defines music; that is, it is not just the theoretical strength of a being. A major part of music is the expression that it carries.
I personally feel that Rakesh was a better contender, just because his voice and singing style had the soul everytime. I could get a particular mood of mind while he sang a specific song.
But, not going with some particular candidates would be more of an importance here.
All that has to follow the above blah is that you should never compromise with the basic atmosphere of one particular song. It is very skilled of you that you noticed the most challenging things of the piece; still, if you are not able to create the same mood as the original music, in the mind of the listener, you have not done much.

In the end...

The question is still a question. Although I might be one of the only ones, who have such a view on this subject, I would always avoid the idea of ever having some other idea. :)
But whatever a true admirer of 'Complexity' has to say about the anti-me approach towards the topic, I bet that even for him, it would more than just 'difficult' to digest a feel-less piece of sound.

sO, develop a thought, a viewpoint, on this. This might help you decide which kinds of songs to go with.

hAve nice days :)
Nishant Sharma